Our Legal Victory to End Harms of Muslim Ban: Read the news

Advancing Justice

National Voice

Elevating a National Asian American Voice for Civil Rights

We are a founding member of Asian Americans Advancing Justice, a national affiliation of five independent organizations advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans and other underserved communities to promote a fair and equitable society for all. Working with our affiliate partners in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, and Washington D.C., we organize and elevate national campaigns, litigation strategies, and community outreach programs that expand and protect civil rights for Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, immigrants, and refugees.

Our Affiliation Partners

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Atlanta
Asian Americans Advancing Justice | Chicago
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Southern California

Recent Work

Community-Centered Solutions to Anti-Asian Racism: We convene a table of more than 100 community-serving organizations to anticipate threats to our communities, develop and execute rapid response plans, and create sustained national infrastructure for deeper solidarity within AAPI communities and with other communities of color. This table coordinates a policy guide that provides community-based interventions and responses to racialized hate and violence, convenes co-learning sessions to help community members understand and create pathways to long-term safety and resilience, and support collaborative projects like SolidarityStories.org to archive, document, and learn from solidarity practices across racial justice and immigrant justice movements.

In 2020 and 2021, affiliation partners also trained over 100,000 people in bystander intervention, including more than 15,000 people in the Bay Area. In partnership with Right to Be (formerly Hollaback!), these trainings help community members, public agencies, and other nonprofit organizations safely intervene when they witness xenophobic harassment and other hate incidents, and support engagement with non-punitive safety and accountability practices.

Building AAPI Communities’ Political Power: The affiliation galvanized Asian and Pacific Islander community members to be counted in Census 2020, and helped mobilize record numbers of voters to register and turn out at the polls in recent years. We also support grassroots groups around the country to prepare for upcoming electoral battles. On behalf of AAPI voters, we are in the thick of the legal fight in federal court against sweeping anti-voting laws in Georgia. Simultaneously, we work to organize in other states where voting rights are under attack or where voter suppression is burdening AAPI voters.

Leading Value Our Families Campaign:
The Advancing Justice affiliation partners with Church World Service and the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) to convene the Value Our Families campaign to protect, preserve, and strengthen the family immigration system and promote an immigration system that is informed by love, empathy, and justice.

Defending Holistic and Race-Conscious Admissions:
As extremist strategists and politicians organize to deny Black, Latine, Asian, and other communities of color equal voting rights and educational opportunities, the affiliation is also supporting litigation that defends and expands opportunities for low-income students of color, including support for race-conscious admissions and affirmative action.